5 Stories of How People Had to Become Detectives to Learn the Shocking Truth about Their Loved Ones

You have to take matters into your own hands when suspicion takes place in your heart. These people knew something was wrong with their relationships and acted before it was too late.

From hidden inheritances and surprise children to unfaithful escapades that plunge someone into a crazy situation, let’s discover what these people had to do to discover the shocking truth about their loved ones.

1. I Caught My Wife Sneaking Out in the Middle of the Night

I almost had a heart attack when I discovered my wife was gone, but I’m glad I followed my instincts. Let me go back to the beginning, so you get the full context:

The moment Lily and I locked eyes at that fundraiser, thrown by mutual friends, I knew we were meant for each other.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Our connection was instant; our gazes interlocked, and I felt our worlds align with a shared dream of a big, loving family.

I was in the middle of a conversation about global affairs with some buddies, drink in hand, when she caught my eye.

And it seemed she noticed me just as quickly because soon after, I found myself standing before her, captivated by her shy smile.

“Hey, handsome,” she greeted, her cheeks tinting with a blush.

“Hello, beautiful. I was wondering why the room was so hot but now I know,” I joked, watching her blush deepen.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

We spent the entire event engrossed in conversation, and as it ended, we promised to keep in touch. True to my word, I called her the next day to arrange a dinner date.

That date marked the beginning of our constant pull toward each other. Our courtship spanned a year before we exchanged vows and settled into a quaint house we rented annually.

However, after five months, Lily became more reserved, and a distance grew between us.

One evening, hoping to bridge the gap between us, I suggested, “Hey baby, want to go catch a movie this weekend?”

“I can’t this time, darling, I have some things to attend to with work and all that. You know, audit periods always come with a lot of paperwork,” she excused, her voice distant.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“But we —” I started, only to be interrupted.

“I understand we’ve not had time to catch a break lately but I promise you darling I’ll make it up to you,” she assured me.

The following night, I awoke in the middle of the night and noticed the empty space beside me in our bed. The cold sheets suggested Lily had been gone for a while.

“Honey?!” I called but received no response. A quick search confirmed she wasn’t at home, and her missing car was even more troublesome.

Despite my worry, I fell back asleep, too tired from work. When I awoke, Lily was back, acting as if nothing was amiss. However, the mystery of her nocturnal absences gnawed at me, so I decided to follow her next time.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Two days later, I seized my chance to uncover Lily’s secret. She silently slipped out of bed, assuming I was asleep, and quickly drove off.

I dressed hastily and followed her in my car, driving without headlights to avoid detection. The stillness of our neighborhood at 2 a.m. added to my worries as I trailed her to a grand mansion.

My heart broke watching her enter, and I thought bitterly, “So she’s found a richer man.” I went back home and spent hours stewing before deciding to confront her at dawn.

At six a.m., I woke and gently tapped her, shattering the morning’s quiet.

“Wh– whuh– whaat?” she mumbled, groggy.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Where have you been sneaking off to, Lily?” I demanded, my voice tight.

Her eyes snapped open, and she sat up, instantly alert. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” I pressed. “Who is he?”

“John!” she exclaimed in shock. “It’s not what you think. I can explain.”

“Then explain,” I insisted. “Why have you been sneaking off to a mansion in the middle of the night?”

“I’m sorry, John, I’ve been sneaking out, but not to meet another man,” she sighed.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I scoffed, letting my disbelief show. “That’s exactly what I expect an accomplished cheat would say,” I retorted sharply.

“Fine, I’ll show you. Get in the car,” Lily commanded sharply.

We drove to the mansion in silence, each lost in thought. Doubt gnawed at me, while Lily remained quiet. Once inside, she led me inside and straight to a children’s nursery.

Confused, I listened as she unveiled the painful truth. “I was barren and couldn’t conceive, even with IVF,” she explained, her voice breaking. I gawked with wide, confused eyes.

“This mansion is my inheritance, and I had been renovating it secretly since our wedding to include this nursery,” she continued, her eyes welling up with tears.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

She broke down. Realizing how blind I had been to her pain, I rushed to comfort her. “We could have faced this together, my love. You didn’t have to bear this alone,” I consoled her, my arms tightly around her. “There are many ways to have a family, and we can explore them all.”

I told her we should consider adoption, and she nodded, accepting my love. Turns out, it was the best decision of our lives.

We adopted twins, Benny and Bethel, who lost both their parents in an accident. And once that happened, we were blessed with a biological baby, who we named Sam.

Thank God, I didn’t rush to conclusions!

But while John and Lily had a happy ending, Lauren wasn’t so lucky with her suspicions about her husband, Dustin.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

2. A Text Message Told Me My Husband Was Having a Secret Affair

My mother always told me to follow my gut, but in doing so, I knew I would be hurt. Here’s what happened:

I was packing for my business trip to Miami when my phone pinged with a message from an unknown number.

The message read: “My wife is out of town and the kids are at their Grandma’s place. We’ll have the house to ourselves tonight, babe! I can’t wait to have you in my arms and my bedroom ;)”

You can imagine my shock after 25 years of marriage to my husband, Dustin. So, I decided to witness this secret meeting with my own eyes.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I hid my luggage and waited in the shadows of our balcony. My husband would think I had already left.

Hours later, Dustin arrived with his companion, who I was horrified to recognize as Madison, my son’s math teacher.

From my hiding spot, I saw them enter our bedroom. Overcome with emotion, I couldn’t hold back any longer and burst into the room.


Dustin jumped in surprise and started stuttering in confusion. Before he could explain, Madison intervened.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Hold on, Lauren,” Madison said calmly. “This is not what you think. I’m NOT your husband’s mistress. I’m his DAUGHTER! I sent that text to your phone.”

Stunned, I turned to Dustin for an explanation.

“Are you… Brooke’s daughter?” Dustin asked, looking almost as confused as I felt. When Madison nodded, his face transformed into one of understanding.

Then, he told me his long-held secret: 25 years ago, when Dustin and I had an argument that led to a temporary breakup. I was leaving for New York to pursue my dreams in interior design.

One of those nights, he met someone named Brooke and drowned his sorrows in her body. It was just one passionate encounter, and he forgot all about her the moment we got back together.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I had returned, telling him that a new city held nothing for me if we weren’t together. I remember how happy we were that first day together, rekindling our love and planning our future.

“Remember how you asked me to pick some things from the store to make me a special dinner?” Dustin asked, sighing. I nodded.

I didn’t know at the time, but Brooke was outside waiting for him. She told him she was pregnant. Dustin told her he wanted nothing to do with the baby, but she wouldn’t get rid of it.

In fact, Brooke demanded $100,000 to leave him alone forever.

When he returned to me that day, Dustin acted like nothing was wrong. But that’s when he did something even more awful than hiding a child.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

He remembered I had a hidden suitcase of money in my father’s garage. So, when I went to bed that night, he sneaked out and stole it. Afterward, he met Brooke and paid her.

“I never saw her after that night,” Dustin confessed, hanging his head.

I was enraged. “You broke into my father’s garage? You caused his heart attack?!” The man I had sacrificed everything for, the man I trusted, was the same one who had betrayed me so deeply.

But that wasn’t the worst part, either. Madison spoke up and told me that she had been tracking Dustin for years and even got a job at our son’s school to be closer.

“I found out a lot of interesting things from observing him…the kind of secrets you would have never known despite being his wife! It’s an immense pleasure to share what I found with everyone, Lauren!”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Reaching into her purse, Madison started taking out photographs. Each of them showed Dustin with a different woman. My heart shattered further with every image.

One even featured my husband with his boss’s wife, and I was done. I already had my luggage, so it was time to leave this worthless man for good, but suddenly, Dustin’s phone rang.

It was his boss. I looked at Madison, and I knew from her little smirk what would come. A loud shout came through the speakerphone:

“WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST GET IN MY MAIL?” his boss demanded

I didn’t want to hear anything else, so with my head held high, I walked out of the life Dustin and I had built. It was a lie anyway.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Lauren got her heart broken by Dustin, but Melinda’s suspicions led her to Miami, where her husband, David, was in a much more complicated situation.

3. I Discovered My Husband’s Two Plane Tickets and One Wasn’t for Me

How far would you travel to find out the truth? Well, I had to go all the way to Miami and almost made a huge mistake. Let me tell you my story:

“I’m so sorry, sweetheart. I know I promised this weekend would be solely for us, but I have to leave again. It was completely unexpected,” David said to me when he arrived home Friday night.

My shoulders slumped in defeat as I sat in the kitchen. I had been so excited about our plans to walk around the beach in Westport, Washington, especially because David traveled so much for work.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I missed him terribly, but I understood the demands of his job. My career was much more stable, with no need for travel.

“I’m going to pack my bag and briefcase for tomorrow,” David announced, reciprocating the kiss.

“Do you want me to do that for you?” I asked, but he didn’t answer.

When the sound of the shower began in the bathroom, I took the opportunity to check his briefcase, knowing he often forgot things.

I ensured his wallet was inside and tidied up the other items. Then, a plane ticket poking out from a side pocket caught my eye.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I pulled it out to place it on top of his other items, and my heart stopped—there were two tickets. One bore David’s name, but the other displayed a woman’s name: Annamarie. Her last name was Simmons.

What business did David have in Miami, and who was this woman? He usually traveled alone, or so he claimed. Why two tickets? Was he lying to me?

The dreadful suspicion that he might be cheating made my heart start beating faster. The shower noise ceased, snapping me out of my frozen state.

I swiftly put the tickets back and left the bedroom. Throughout dinner, I acted as if everything was normal, but inside, a storm of thoughts raged. I needed to confront this situation, but how?


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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

By Sunday morning, I found myself in Miami, still unsure of my plan. David had departed early Saturday, leaving me a day to mull over everything.

Driven by desperation, I invaded his privacy, searched his Google history and emails, and discovered his reservation at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel.

My fears deepened. Could David be unfaithful? Had his business trips been a facade?

I had to know, so I booked a flight to Miami, checked into the same hotel, and set out to find the truth. After aimlessly wandering the hotel’s pool and beach, hope was fading.

“Maybe I should’ve back home, and confronted him later,” I whispered to myself. But then, there he was, exactly as I dreaded, but the woman with him was not who I expected.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

She appeared to be in her eighties. Could David be involved with an elderly woman? It seemed implausible. Perhaps she was a relative, I hoped.

I quickened my pace and caught up to them. David’s expression changed to shock when he saw me.

“David! What is this? Who is this woman?” I demanded, my voice rising.

David tried to calm me as other hotel guests started to look our way. But I shouted, “TELL ME THE TRUTH RIGHT NOW!”

“This is Brandon’s mother!” he blurted out, surprising me.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Brandon’s mother?” I repeated, calming down. Brandon had been David’s best friend, and his death had deeply affected him.

“Yes, Melinda, this is Annamarie,” David introduced her. I shook hands with her, apologizing for my outburst.

“It’s nice to meet you, dear,” Annamarie said with a smile. “You should two should talk.”

She walked away, and David then explained everything. He had promised Brandon on his deathbed to look after his mother.

Recently, Annamarie wanted to see Miami due to her health issues, and David impulsively bought the tickets, fearing I wouldn’t understand.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked, feeling hurt.

“You’ve been wanting a weekend just for us, and I thought you’d be upset,” David admitted, his explanation sounding feeble.

“I would’ve understood. I could have come with you,” I argued. “You should have told me about her.”

David apologized. “I promise to improve our communication,” he said.

After thinking about it for a few minutes, I shrugged. “Let’s not ruin this trip. I’d like to stay,” I proposed.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Having you here will mean a lot to Annamarie,” David responded, relieved.

We found her at the hotel bar and spent the next few days exploring the city together, which turned into one of the best trips of my life.

When we returned home, I explained how I found out about the trip, and we talked about our future. We decided to seek therapy to improve our communication, and our relationship grew stronger.

Annamarie became a frequent guest at our home, and when she passed away, her loss affected us just as much as Brandon’s death had.

“I’m just glad we could take her to Miami,” I told David at her funeral, and we embraced.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Therefore, my husband’s “other woman” only brought us closer together. Isn’t that something?

Melinda and David managed to clear this misunderstanding near the sunny Miami shores, but Karma was about to help Jane discover the truth about her fiancé, Anthony.

4. Someone Told Me to Follow Karma and Stopped Me from Making a Huge Mistake

I almost married the wrong man, but karma was literally on my side. Let’s start at the beginning:

The morning light filtered softly through the curtains as I applied my makeup in front of a large mirror, reflecting quietly on the day ahead.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Behind me, Mom adjusted my wedding dress on the bed. “Hair and makeup first, then we’ll slip you into your dress,” she reminded gently.

I nodded, breathing deeply.

“You’re so calm,” she then observed. “Are you excited to see Anthony?”

“Yes,” I said softly. “He’s thrown himself into the wedding planning. I never knew he had such a knack for it.”

My smile grew as I remembered meeting Anthony at the supermarket and flirting about watermelons. It was a simple but sweet beginning.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“But you know,” I continued while applying another layer of mascara, “I’ve always been the one who tries to make others happy. It’s what Anthony loved about me.”

“That’s true,” Mom agreed. “But remember, today is about your happiness, Jane.”

We started getting ready, and I donned my dress when a buzzing from my phone alerted me to an incoming voice message.

A woman said: “You need to cancel the wedding, Jane. He’s hiding something. Trust me, this is for the best.”

Confused and shaken, I excused myself, ignoring the superstition about seeing the groom before the wedding, and found Anthony in his room at the venue.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“We need to talk, Anthony. Now.”

“What’s wrong?” he asked, surprised to see me in my dress.

“This,” I said, playing the mysterious voice message.

Anthony listened, then laughed it off as a prank, but his quick denial raised my suspicions. “Is there something you’re not telling me?” I asked.

“Don’t worry about a silly prank,” he insisted. “We have a big day ahead, and my big business deal tomorrow. Don’t let some stupid message ruin everything.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“I need some time to think,” I said, feeling overwhelmed.

Back in my room, a knock at the door led me to discover a package containing photographs of Anthony with another woman in intimate situations.

Among the photos was a card that read: “Karma will show you the way.”

Mom gasped as she saw the photographs. “Is that Anthony? Is he being blackmailed?”

With a nod, I dialed Anthony’s number, so he could come and explain, but he didn’t answer. I went to find him, and he wasn’t at our wedding venue at all.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I returned to the changing room defeated and saw my mother still staring intently at the images.

“I know this hotel,” Mom finally said, recognizing the room’s decor. She gave me the address, and I hurried there, photographs in hand.

At the hotel, I tried to learn Anthony’s whereabouts from the receptionist, who refused to help, citing hotel policy.

But just then, I heard the staff call out to a hotel maid named Karma for cleaning duties. Remembering the message on the card, “Karma will show you the way,” I followed her to room 121.

Inside, the woman from the photographs greeted me. “You’re smart. I didn’t know if you would get my message, but it worked,” she said as the maid named Karma left the room.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“You’re the woman in the photos,” I murmured.

“Anya,” she introduced herself. “You’re Jane, right? It’s time you knew everything.”

Anya revealed she was Anthony’s mistress but had only found out about me recently. Determined to expose him, she planned this meeting.

Suddenly, Anthony entered the room. Anya pushed me into the bathroom to hide and record their conversation.

It was there that I witnessed my fiancé’s casual intimacy with Anya, which confirmed everything.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

After recording enough evidence, I left and returned to the wedding venue, where Mom and I devised a plan to expose Anthony in front of everyone.

As the wedding march played, I approached the altar, where Anthony awaited. During the vows, I had the video of Anthony’s betrayal played for all to see.

Guests gasped and Anthony’s expression crumbled.

“This wedding won’t happen because my groom is a cheater. I can’t marry a man I can’t trust,” I declared.

Anthony protested, but his pleas were ignored, especially when Mrs. Richards, his potential business partner, denounced him for lacking integrity.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

That was the end of their huge upcoming business deal. When Anthony tried to follow her, Mom tripped him.

“Karma did her job, Anthony,” I said, looking down my nose at his prostrate form. With those final words, I walked away from the altar, Mom by my side.

It was a painful time, but I’m so happy I didn’t marry someone like him.

Jane put Anthony in her place and had a satisfying resolution, but it’s nothing compared to what Claire did to expose Adrian. Hint: a pizza box.

5. I Discovered My Husband’s Lies Because of Pizza

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

You have to watch out for red flags. Here’s how a certain pizza topping changed everything for me:

The city lights twinkled outside my bedroom window as I packed my suitcase for a business trip to California, but my husband, Adrian, was lamenting my departure.

“But do you have to go, Sweet Pea?” he asked, pouting.

“I promise it won’t be long. I’ll miss you too,” I said, kissing him goodbye.

At the airport, I sighed, disappointed to find no messages from him, especially since I had just discovered I was pregnant.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I would later find out that Adrian hadn’t texted because he was busy at home. But I did get a text from the airline, saying my flight had been canceled due to bad weather, so I sighed and left the airport.

I walked into my house and found Adrian flustered. “My flight got canceled. I have to wait three days for the next one!” I explained.

“Why didn’t you call me? I could’ve come to pick you up,” Adrian stammered.

“I decided to stop at the bookshop on the way. Also, my phone battery died,” I said, noting Adrian’s odd behavior. “You’re being weird, Addy. It’s just been three hours.”

“Three hours without you felt like an eternity for me!” he awkwardly explained.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Suddenly, I heard a noise from the bedroom. “Who’s in there?” I demanded.

“No one. It must be the windows… I left them open,” Adrian stammered, blocking my way.

Pushing past him, I entered the bedroom but found no one. “I thought I heard someone coughing. I felt you had someone here.”

“What? No, it’s just the windows,” he insisted.

“Still, you’re acting weird,” I started, letting whatever I heard go. “And there’s something I—”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“How about you go and take a shower? You must be tired,” Adrian interrupted, pushing me to the bathroom.

I agreed because a shower sounded delightful. What I didn’t know was that Adrian was sending someone off while I was basking in the hot shower.

When I got off and went to the living room in my robe, I saw Adrian dismissing a pizza guy at the door and frowned. “Did you order food?” I asked.

“I was hun-hungry, thought we could eat together,” Adrian stuttered, so I nodded, and we sat on the couch.

“What’s in this pizza? Did you order it extra spicy?” I coughed after a bite.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“You said you liked a bit of heat. Thought we could try the Tabasco pizza tonight,” he replied.

“A bit of heat? This is like a volcano in my mouth!” I exclaimed. “Let’s order something else or go to a restaurant. I’m starving.”

“It’s late. I’ll order something else,” he agreed, still eating. “Sorry about the pizza.”

“No apologies until you have a bite,” I teased, watching as Adrian reluctantly took a bite of a slice.

“Preferences change, you know? It’s not so bad,” he lied but coughed.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I laughed, shaking my head, and went to our bedroom, deciding not to tell him about the pregnancy until he stopped acting so strange.

That was why I didn’t see Adrian spitting a mouthful of pizza into the sink.

The next day, I had lunch with my friend, Vanessa. I opened up about Adrian’s strange behavior and wondered if this was about having children.

Vanessa always knew how to cheer me up. She assured me it was probably due to my frequent business trips and how much he missed me.

“Still, he seems so distant these days,” I continued, pouting.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“Don’t let these things get into your head,” Vanessa advised, smiling. But there was something wrong in her eyes. I didn’t get to ask as she continued speaking too quickly.

She suggested I take a solo vacation, and I was really considering it. Just then, the waiter arrived with our food, interrupting our chat.

I was about to eat when I noticed Vanessa had opted for a half-double Tabasco pizza.

“What’s wrong? Why aren’t you eating?” she asked, frowning.

“It’s just work,” I lied, not wanting to delve too hard into it. But a growing suspicion settled in my heart, watching my friend delight in her spicy lunch. That coupled with Adrian’s strange attitude last night had me more worried.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I left the restaurant quickly after paying and called my husband. His line was busy. A hint of intuition told me to call Vanessa, and coincidentally (or not) her line was occupied, too.

Are they doing what I think they’re doing?

I rushed home then and found Adrian on the phone. He quickly hung up and followed me into my office, where I retrieved my luggage.

“Who were you talking to for so long?” I asked casually.

“Just a friend,” he lied, noticing what I had grabbed. “Leaving again?”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I lied, saying that my flight had been rescheduled, and refused to look into his eyes, but that made him angry.

“What’s the point of us living together if you’re never here?” Adrian demanded, looking like I had betrayed him. “You’re hardly home. It’s been three years, and you’ve not been able to give me a child!”

“We decided to wait two years before trying!” I defended myself, while my heart broke because he didn’t know I was pregnant. “Let me finish this business trip, and we’ll talk.”

“No, you have a week to decide if you actually want a family with me, or we’re getting divorced!” Adrian threatened mercilessly.

I finally nodded and left.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

What Adrian didn’t know was that I had no business trip. Instead, I went to find the pizza guy from last night. He told me exactly what I had feared and let me ask him for a favor.


Adrian opened the door, smiling happily because he had no idea whom he was talking to. I was dressed in the local pizza place uniform and had kept the delivery guy’s helmet on.

Even though I already knew the truth, I was heartbroken to see Vanessa behind him in her skivvies. I gave him the pizza box and watched as he opened it only to discover divorce papers inside.

“DIVORCE PAPERS? Is this some kind of joke?” Adrian gasped as I took the helmet off.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“SURPRISE! I’ve known about your infidelity… Everything’s recorded,” I declared, showing him the body cam I had borrowed from someone else.

Adrian tried to stutter an apology, but I wasn’t listening.

“What you did is unforgivable! With my best friend, no less! You’ve got one hour to pack and leave my house…and my life! Good luck!” I added, throwing my wedding ring into the front yard.

And that was it. Months later, I was in Hawaii, drinking a mocktail and suntanning. My lawyer was handling the divorce.

If you’re wondering about the pregnancy…well, I told Adrian through our attorneys, and he wanted nothing to do with our baby. What a gem of a husband. Glad to be rid of him now!

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Some of these detectives had happy endings, while others got their hearts broken. However, what matters is that it’s much better to know the truth than to live a lie, especially in a romantic relationship.

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