‘Most Jealous Woman’ Forces Her Partner to Take Lie Detector Test Every Time He Comes Home

When Debbi met Steve in 2011, she believed she had found the love of her life. However, her extreme jealousy and the measures she takes to ensure his fidelity have left many shocked.

Jealousy can be a powerful and destructive force in relationships. For most, it’s a fleeting feeling that passes, but for some, it becomes an all-consuming obsession.

One woman’s extreme measures to combat her jealousy have led her to a controversial and highly scrutinized practice: making her husband take a lie detector test every time he comes home.

Debbi and Steve Wood have been together since 2011. While living in her native Scotland, Debbi met Steve through a mutual friend on Facebook. After several weeks of exchanging messages, she traveled to London for their first date.

She recalled, “I knew we were meant to be a couple when we shared our first kiss under London Bridge. I didn’t mean to fall in love again after my last relationship but Steve stole my heart.” Their relationship quickly became serious, leading to plans to move in together and eventually get married.

Debbie and Steve Wood outside their house, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Debbie and Steve Wood outside their house, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Debbi admitted that she doesn’t always find common ground with Steve, but she knew he was the one because he touched her heart and made her feel at home.

“Well, when you’ve got a good man, you’re not going to let him go, are you?” she shared during an interview with ITV’s “This Morning.”

However, Debbi’s extreme jealousy began to surface, complicating their relationship significantly. Diagnosed with Othello Syndrome, a psychiatric disorder that causes sufferers to believe their partners have been unfaithful without any evidence, Debbi’s condition has driven her to extraordinary measures.

Debbi Wood using her cell phone, as seen in a video dated January 25 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Debbi Wood using her cell phone, as seen in a video dated January 25 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Debbi’s jealousy wasn’t always this extreme; she used to be “your average jealous female,” but after being cheated on by a previous abusive partner, her jealousy intensified.

Steve reassured the hosts of “This Morning” that the lie detector tests are now used far less frequently than before. They are conducted “as many times in a month as [they] would in a week” or even less, “like once in a blue moon.”

Steve Wood sharing his thoughts on his relationship with Debbi, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Steve Wood sharing his thoughts on his relationship with Debbi, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

However, Steve’s activities are still heavily restricted. He enjoys watching football and formula racing, but Debbi monitors even these shows to ensure he isn’t ogling women in the audience.

Debbi’s jealousy extends to banning Steve from watching television entirely at times. She explained, “All women have an inner beauty, but for a man, it goes beyond that…lusting after a woman mentally. Mentally having some sort of intimate fantasy about them as opposed to actually just admiring that person’s beauty.”

Debbie Wood in an angry mood, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Debbie Wood in an angry mood, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Debbi’s paranoia and need for control have led her to impose strict rules on Steve. She has installed child-proof filters on his laptop and phone to prevent him from viewing explicit content.

When the couple first moved in together, Debbi’s jealousy worsened.

She admitted that even a 15-minute trip to buy milk would require Steve to take a lie detector test upon his return. “I get so worried that he’s been eyeing up the shop assistant that I just have to know the truth.”

Debbi Wood holding her phone's screen showing the lie detector app, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Debbi Wood holding her phone’s screen showing the lie detector app, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

In a documentary shared by “Only Human” in January 2019, Debbi’s jealousy was on full display as she made Steve take a lie detector test on her phone which also made use of polygraphs. This occurred after Steve had convinced Debbi to visit their local shop, her first outing in eight months.

When they returned, Debbi decided to test Steve’s loyalty. She first asked if he noticed any women in the shop, to which he replied, “Can’t say as I did. No.”

A relieved Debbi told him, “I’m impressed you’re telling the truth.”

Steve Wood taking the lie detector test on Debbi's phone, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Steve Wood taking the lie detector test on Debbi’s phone, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

However, when asked if he found Mel B attractive, Steve’s negative response was deemed a lie by the app. Debbi made him retake the test multiple times, each time accusing him of lying. Debbi explained that the app was at least 60% accurate and used a polygraph.

In addition to her Othello Syndrome, Debbi also suffers from bipolar and body dysmorphic disorders, which further complicate her mental health and relationship dynamics. When the couple first moved in together, Debbi’s jealousy worsened.

A picture of Mel B on a newspaper in a shop, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

A picture of Mel B on a newspaper in a shop, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Debbie began keeping an eye on Steve’s online activity and even banned him from watching any content that featured women. “One night, an advert for a women’s razor came on television and I felt panicky thinking that Steve was eyeing the model up,” Debbi shared.

Her jealousy was so intense that she ordered a lie detector online to ensure Steve’s eyes weren’t wandering. Debbi’s condition and actions have not gone unnoticed. In 2015, she appeared in the Channel 5 documentary “87 stone: Fat Chance of Work,” which she later claimed misrepresented her.

Debbi and Steve Wood, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Debbi and Steve Wood, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

The documentary, she said, focused unfairly on her weight rather than her genuine conditions that prevent her from working. This portrayal led to online abuse and threats, further isolating Debbi.

Debbi explained that the documentary made her look like she was bossing Steve around, but in reality, he was helping her through a difficult time.

“Everything has been [sensationalized]. I’ve had vile threats over social media and just open abuse, preventing me from wanting to leave the house,” she said. Despite this, Debbi insists that her jealousy-driven behaviors are necessary for her peace of mind.

Debbi Wood looking displeased, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Debbi Wood looking displeased, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Despite these extreme measures, Debbi and Steve have found ways to cope. Both spend a lot of their time gaming, which Debbi claims has helped her manage her Othello Syndrome.

She shared, “Spending so much time on the Xbox has helped me get some control over my jealousy. My mind has been able to focus elsewhere rather than me obsessing over what my husband is doing.”

Research indicates that approximately 15 percent of those suffering from Othello Syndrome have exhibited violence towards their partners.

Debbi Wood gets upset while Steve takes the lie detector test on her phone, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/Debbi Wood, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Debbi Wood gets upset while Steve takes the lie detector test on her phone, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/Debbi Wood, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Debbi admitted, “My jealousy has driven me to breaking point and sometimes I’ve thrown stuff across the room. I put Steve through a lot but he’s stood by me through it all so I know he’s the man for me.”

“I think lots of women out there must be suffering from the same condition and just not realize it. I think it’s because of the pressure society puts on us to look a certain way…I’m lucky my partner is so understanding – others might not be so fortunate,” she added.

Debbi Wood holding her cell phone, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Debbi Wood holding her cell phone, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Steve admitted life with Debbi could be tough but insisted she was worth it. He expressed:

“Sometimes, I get nervous and the lie detector test results come back inconclusive because my heart is hammering, which makes Debbi doubt me. I just have to tell her I haven’t cheated and pray she believes me. I’m willing to put up with it, because I know we’re soulmates. She’s so special to me and a bit of jealousy here and there won’t change that.”

Debbi Wood sharing her thoughts on being overweight, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Debbi Wood sharing her thoughts on being overweight, as seen in a video dated January 25, 2019 | Source: Facebook/OnlyHumanChannel

Debbi’s desire for more confidence has led her to seek gastric band surgery, which she hopes the NHS will fund. “I have a small frame because I wasn’t always overweight. This small frame is carrying an extra ten/eleven stone more than what it should do,” said Debbi.

She emphasized how the surgery would help improve her physical well-being and overall confidence. Debbi hopes the surgery will enable her to enjoy life more fully with Steve and regain a sense of normalcy.

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