My Home Camera Kept Detecting Faces at Night — I Thought It Was a Glitch until My Child Spoke Up

I thought I was in a happy and honest committed relationship, but the truth was that I didn’t even know the man I married! He threw me under the bus all in the name of “helping our family.” But when I discovered the truth, I found a way to make him pay!

A shocked woman looking at a guilty-looking man | Source: Shutterstock

A shocked woman looking at a guilty-looking man | Source: Shutterstock

When my husband and I decided to upgrade our home security, my dad was all too eager to help set up the new cameras he’d gifted us. It seemed like a straightforward addition to our suburban home.

It’s been a week since their installation, and every night, my phone buzzed with a notification from one camera in particular. Always the same alert: “Face detected.” Yet, when I checked, there was nothing—just a still image of our empty living room.

A living room | Source: Getty Images

A living room | Source: Getty Images

“Probably a glitch,” I muttered to myself after the first few times. The camera must be broken. I meant to ask Dad to come look at it, but life got busy, and honestly, I didn’t think much of it.

That was until today. My son, Tim, four, tugged at my sleeve with a worried expression. “Mommy, do you know who talks at night?” His voice was a mix of curiosity and unease.

“What do you mean, honey?” I knelt beside him, trying to hide my sudden concern.

“There are noises, like whispers, after we go to bed,” he continued.

A woman talking to a child drinking juice in bed | Source: Pexels

A woman talking to a child drinking juice in bed | Source: Pexels

Chills ran down my spine. It was only my husband, our son, and me in the house! My mind raced back to the faulty camera. I rushed to my husband’s laptop to check the footage again. Something was off.

The room was too still, the timestamped images identical night after night. It struck me—yesterday, I had moved the couch while cleaning. But in the video, it hadn’t budged an inch!

“Why would the footage be on a loop?” I whispered under my breath. Suspicion gnawed at me. I needed to know what was happening when those alerts came in.

A shocked woman looking at a tablet | Source: Getty Images

A shocked woman looking at a tablet | Source: Getty Images

That night, I brewed a strong cup of coffee and pretended to settle in early. At 1 a.m., my husband quietly slipped out of our room. Moments later, my phone lit up again: “Face detected.”

I tiptoed to the kitchen doorway, where I caught him packing envelopes and small boxes. He was busy whispering to himself as he worked. I guessed those were the sounds my little Tim kept hearing.

My heart sank as I recognized items from the laundry—my underwear!

A man holding a laundry basket | Source: Pexels

A man holding a laundry basket | Source: Pexels

Confronting him, I asked, “What are you doing with my underwear this late at night?” He turned around, surprised but realizing he’d been caught red-handed, he broke down, his words tumbling out in desperation.

“I’m sick of scraping by with my job where I barely earn pennies. This… this was a way to make extra money. For you to help us.” He gestured helplessly at the packages. “You should be grateful that I found a way for you to be useful and profitable. It was all for our family to get by.”

My husband was working a full-time 9 to 5 job, and I was a stay-at-home mother taking care of our son.

A couple arguing | Source: Getty Images

A couple arguing | Source: Getty Images

“How can you say I should be grateful? You’ve been selling… selling me out for cash!” I retorted, feeling a mix of anger and betrayal as my stomach grew sick. “What you’re doing is disgusting and so disrespectful to me!” I insisted, looking distraught.

“It wasn’t supposed to be like this,” he pleaded, his voice cracking. “I thought I was helping. I thought… I thought this would solve everything.”

An upset woman looking at a distressed man | Source: Getty Images

An upset woman looking at a distressed man | Source: Getty Images

“Look, you weren’t supposed to find out about this. That’s why I replaced the living room camera footage with a loop from the very first day,” he explained. I couldn’t reply further as I stood looking at him in awe.

“Just go back to bed, darling, and pretend we never had this conversation so I can keep our family well-fed,” he advised. “If you keep your mouth shut and don’t intervene, all will be well.” I couldn’t BELIEVE what I was hearing!

“Pretend this didn’t happen and keep my mouth shut!” I replied in shock. “Why aren’t you selling YOUR dirty underwear!”

A couple arguing | Source: Getty Images

A couple arguing | Source: Getty Images

“That’s an awful idea!” he said about the idea of selling HIS underwear. “I already found good buyers and they are your biggest fans.” He continued explaining his operation, “I’ve been corresponding with them, pretending to be you.” “And frankly, you should be flattered having so many people interested.”

I could no longer take in what he was saying and walked away—no, I ran away in tears and headed to bed. But what he didn’t know was that I wasn’t going to keep my mouth shut and leave things as they were.

A woman crying | Source: Shutterstock

A woman crying | Source: Shutterstock

The next morning, after he left for work, I found his notebook and his envelopes hidden in a cupboard. It had all the names, prices, addresses, and deadlines. On impulse, I slipped a note into each package: an invitation to a “special dinner” at our address.

My sweet note urged the buyers to come over for dinner that night with “me.” I also added that it was so we could take our relationship further.

Later that evening, I took my son, packed our things, and left for my parents’ house. My husband was in for a surprise! I wondered what he’d say to all his profitable “fans” because he sure had A LOT of explaining to do. I couldn’t face him, not after betraying our trust like that.

A happy woman carrying her child | Source: Pexels

A happy woman carrying her child | Source: Pexels

He showed up the next day, panic and anger in his eyes. My father was in the kitchen, a silent guardian as I confronted my husband. He had no words, knowing any argument would only reveal his deeds to my parents.

I watched his desperate attempt to explain himself to me about the gathered “fans.” His realization that he’d gone too far, the depth of his deception hit me.

A man making breakfast | Source: Freepik

A man making breakfast | Source: Freepik

Judging from his expression, the “fan” greeting went as I had expected. After all, he should be “flattered” that so many “fans” showed up; “it must be nice to have people interested in you,” I told him.

I had been part of a scheme without my consent, but I was no longer just a silent participant in his plans.

An upset man standing by the door while a woman stands in the kitchen | Source: Freepik

An upset man standing by the door while a woman stands in the kitchen | Source: Freepik

The previous story ended with Tim’s father learning a valuable lesson, but whether he changed his ways, that’s a topic for another day. In the following story, a woman’s husband tried using “weaponized incompetence” to get out of doing chores, but she quickly put him in his place.

My Husband and I Agreed to Share Chores Equally, but He Purposefully Sabotaged His Part until I Taught Him a Valuable Lesson

When Jake and his new bride vowed to share everything 50/50—money, decisions, and yes, even the household chores—they envisioned a perfect partnership. But reality soon hit as Jake’s attempts at cooking and cleaning left much to be desired.

A man pretending he doesn't know how to cook | Source: Freepik

A man pretending he doesn’t know how to cook | Source: Freepik

His culinary ventures often resulted in a disaster zone kitchen, and his idea of cleaning seemed to complicate things further. Despite these flaws, Jake’s constant refrain was that he was simply “bad at this stuff,” suggesting his wife might be better suited for these tasks.

However, the situation took a darker turn when she overheard him admitting to a friend that his mishaps were intentional, aiming to get out of doing chores! Realizing she had been manipulated into picking up his slack under the guise of accidents, she decided to teach him a hard lesson.

A happy man talking on a phone | Source: Freepik

A happy man talking on a phone | Source: Freepik

In a bold move, she transferred almost all the money from his account to hers and went on a shopping spree to replace items Jake had ruined. This drastic action caught him off-guard, forcing him to confront the consequences of his laziness and deceit.

The confrontation led to a sincere apology from Jake and a commitment to change his ways. Over time, he began to genuinely contribute to household tasks, signaling a shift towards the true partnership they had originally envisioned. This change marked the beginning of a more balanced and respectful relationship, restoring trust and teamwork in their marriage.

A man doing laundry | Source: Getty Images

A man doing laundry | Source: Getty Images

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